Olex GRIB viðbót við hugbúnað
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Olex GRIB viðbót við hugbúnað

The Weather Forecast System automatically downloads the latest information about currents, waves, wind and air pressure, and display the weather with colors, arrows and graphs. See the weather as it is now, in the future or what it will be like when the vessel pass through different areas.

Information about wind, current, and air pressure can be downloaded from met.no, or from any other provider of grib files. The presentation in the Olex is inspired by yr.no.

The GRIB-module can also be set to download certain types of plotter data, such as fishing facilities, boundaries and restriction areas, and send own tracks to a predefined email address

The weather module are activated with a GRIB software key, purchasable through an Olex dealer, and then accessible through the Weather Forecast button in the Settings menu.

When the Weather Forecast button is clicked, a window with several options will appear. Here you can see and choose which downloaded sec/filer to use. There are also buttons and sliders for speed shift and clock skew or what type of weather information to display.

With speed shift you can use the actual speed of the vessel or set it manually to see what the weather will be like under way. The two settings Speed shift and Clock skew can be used at the same time. You can also hide the weather forecast menu or click "Finish" to go back to the regular Olex screen.

In the "Downloads" menu in "Settings" you can define which URLs Olex should use for fetching weather files or other data. The download frequency can be adjusted between 1-24 hours. If set to 0 it will not automatically update the information, but you can still click "Download all now" to update manually. After successfully fetching weather information from an URL a message will appear on the right side of the URL that reads "OK" as well as time since last update. Should you get an error check that you are connected to the internet and the URL is correct.

New URLs can be input by clicking "Create new" and typing in the new URL. A list of URLs can also be imported. See our example sec/filer available here

Olex does not inspect the URLs for malicious content.

The top of the screen displays a meteogram with a time-line for wind, either were you are, or where the mouse cursor is pointing. The meteogram always shows wind information.


The "BarentsWatch" URL, will fetch approximately 2000 plotter objects per day, which shows reported fishing facilities and other public information for Norwegian waters. When new information is downloaded the previous data is discarded to prevent the disk from filling up.

Internet connection

To get full use of the GRIB module the machine should be configured with internet access. A cabled connection to a mobile broadband router is the recommended configuration. Make sure DHCP is activated under: Layers -> Show data flow -> Network. A green light in the top right corner of the screen, indicates an active internet connection.

Presumably most Olex-systems can connect to the Internet. Older systems might need a reinstallation with a new operating system, which can use modern software packages for downloading and sending data.

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